Sinoma Consulting, Inc.
President's Desk
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A Fusion of Business and Technology
President's Desk

I'm the President and founder of Sinoma Consulting, Inc. I've been in the computer business since 1988, I hold a Sc.B. in Computer Science from Brown University, where I also completed the Management Certificate Program. I currently hold several professional certifications from BrainBench in PowerBuilder Programming, Relational Database Design and Administration, and Object-Oriented Technologies. I regularly do design, development, team lead and project management for a variety of clients in the MA/RI areas.

Our goal is to quantify and strengthen Sinoma Consulting, Inc. ability to successfully employ remote development talent. That way, we can pull together the client and deal with the face-to-face issues, and developers can do what they do best - develop systems. This is not an easy thing - among other things it requires constant, clear and effective communication between all parties, especially when things are not going as planned. Like everyone else, I routinely find or make learning and growing opportunities for myself (referred to by others as 'mistakes' - I don't see it that way, it's more a result of learning than anything else).

Sinoma Consulting, Inc. focuses on solutions for small to medium-sized businesses. Since all the other growing consulting firms are striving for the bigger and bigger clients, the small companies are left with little options for getting professional help with automation. We also find that the work done for large clients many times involves stroking the egos of certain people, which is usually at odds with the true business needs. We've always been good at working with decisions-makers to get the job done, and done well, so that's where I'm focusing Sinoma Consulting, Inc. direction. This does not mean, of course, that we will pass a good opportunity if it were with a large size company!

While we use mainly Microsoft products to solve business problems, we are a market-driven company, and we look at other companies and technologies, as required by our existing and potential customers. 

On a more or less personal side, we believe in having fun at our jobs and carrying on business practices with a high degree of integrity and honesty. We suspect this approach has or will cost us some business at some point, but we'd rather be able to sleep at night. If we can find a mutually beneficial way to work together, we'll ask the same from you. In the long haul, it's the only way to fly.

Look forward to hearing from you soon!

Alex Vilner
Sinoma Consulting, Inc.

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